Machine Learning - Making the machine learn itself
On what basis - On the basis of data machine itself has processsed or processed by other means.
What is happening - Machines evolve behaviours based on empirical data ( based on observation or experience i.e. that has happened before.)
When exposed to new data, machine learn, grow, change, and develop by themselves
How it happens - without being explicitly programmed but machine evolves basis experiences, examples. Same as we as human beings learn from bad and good experiences.
So let's says - It is branch of artifical intelligence (where intellligence is artificial - LOL)
Therotial Defination
A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.
If Complicated - Forget. Defination is for examination only.....
Famous Machine Learning Applications
Alexa - Not only play lovely songs for you but also based on your choices, gives you recommendations
Netflix Recommedation Engine - Gives movies as per our preferences
Lot of applications in healthcare like cancer predications etc.
Amazon product recommendation based on etc.
Email intelligence (Email classifications, spam filtering)
Banking Finance - Credit Card frauds, credit decisions
Image Recognition
Predictive analytics