Layered archietctures allows to use different design patterns at different layers. This post descttibes a taxonomy of design pattrens that could/should be used in each layer of architecture.
Presentation Layer
Intercepting Filter - Intercepts incoming requests and outgoing responses and applies a filter.
Context Object - Encapsulates state in a protocol-independent way to be shared throughout your application
Front Controller - A container to hold the common processing logic that occurs within the presentation tier
Application Controller - Centralizes control, retrieval, and invocation of view and command processing
View Helper - Encourages the separation of formatting-related code from other business logic
Composite View - suggests composing a View from numerous atomic pieces
Dispatcher View - defers business processing until view processing has been performed.
Business Layer
Business Delegate -reduces coupling between remote tiers and provides an entry point for accessing remote services in the business tier.
Service Locator - encapsulates the implementation mechanisms for looking up business service components.
Session Facade - provides coarse-grained services to the clients by hiding the complexities of the business service interactions.
Application Service - centralizes and aggregates behavior to provide a uniform service layer to the business tier services.
Business Object -implements your conceptual domain model using an object model.
Composite Entity -implements a Business Object using local entity beans and POJOs.
Transfer Object -provides the best techniques and strategies to exchange data across tiers
T O Assembler -constructs a composite Transfer Object from various sources
Value List Handler -uses the GoF iterator pattern to provide query execution and processing services
Integration Layer
Data Access Object -enables loose coupling between the business and resource tiers
Service Activator -enables asynchronous processing in your enterprise applications using JMS.
Domain Store -provides a powerful mechanism to implement transparent persistence for your object model.
Web Service Broker -exposes and brokers one or more services in your application to external clients as a web service using XML and standard web protocols