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Writer's pictureDimit Chadha

What Are the Essential Parameters for Evaluating Architecture Quality?

  1. Usability This addresses the complexity/simplicity of use.

  2. Modifiability This attribute defines the maintainability and modifiability of this feature/functionality. Considerations to the ease of making changes all the way to the availability of resources with the technical knowledge to support the feature/functionality are addressed here.

  3. Performance This attributes defines the performance qualities for this feature/functionality. Response times, processing times, etc. should be considered.

  4. Availability This attribute defines what qualities pertain to how available this feature/functionality must be to users and other systems. Failover, recovery times, etc. would be considered here.

  5. Security This attribute defines the security qualities that define this feature/functionality. Elements as in protecting access, data, etc. should be considered.

  6. Testability This attribute defines the quality attributes for testing this feature/function. Ease of testing – including Unit as well as QA are considered.  Special attention to quality controls like test automation, heartbeats, dashboards that self test are also included in these considerations.

  7. Scalability This attribute defines how this feature/functionality scales. Overall capacity should be considered at this point including future growth.  

  8. Portability This attribute defines the portability of this functionality – Cross Plattform functionality as well as maintaining a light interdependence on common vendor functionality.

Business Qualities

  1. Time This attribute defines the time constraints to deliver this functionality..

  2. Cost (CBA) This attribute defines the cost benefit of this functionality.

  3. Market This attribute defines the market segmentation of this functionality. Since we aren’t really  managing to a Product Line, I’m OK with Omitting this in our definitions of architecture.

  4. Integration This attribute discusses the system integration of this functionality to other systems

  5.  Lifetime This attribute defines the expected time this product is expected to exist, iterations that are  expected to impact it, etc.

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